Dianne’s Status Report for 4/8

Personal Progress

This week I worked on fine tuning the LAOE portion of the algorithm and creating more rigorous testing. This should help ensure that edge cases where a person is on or near the boundary of being in the LAOE will be treated as an “in LAOE” case to be safe, as well as adding a few more test cases. This will need to be tested on one of the sunny days coming up. The changes I made can be seen on our repository as usual: https://github.com/djge/18500_GroupC1

I also worked briefly with Elizabeth on setting up the RPi on Wednesday.

We are currently on track, and I hope to run some more integrated testing with a real person in sunlight to ensure that the adjustments I made will work in a real setting.

Comprehensive Testing Update

I have already run tests measuring the difference between data and measured projection points from the window onto the floor (this determines the “area of effect”). There are 7 total test cases (4 points for each), giving a total of 28 test cases. We may continue to measure data on sunny days for this, but our focus going forwards will be on integration testing with a real life scenario of a person in and out of the LAOE, as well as testing whether or not the change in blinds mitigates the effects of sunlight.

Next Steps

Next week, we hope to run more testing in real situation testing, as it should be sunny. We also hope to finish and set up a way to present the blinds so they are more visually appealing and come up with adjustments that will make it more user-friendly.

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