This week I worked on setting up SSH on the Raspberry Pi. Although this seemed like an easy task, there were a lot of guides online that didn’t work for some reason (unsure why). In the end, it was relatively easy to set it up for campus wifi because CMU-DEVICE auto-assigns your device an IP address to SSH into. For the place we were testing though, I was trying to get the device to be assigned a static IP address so SSHing would be a more consistent process. However although running hostname -I on the RPi would give the static address I requested, for some reason I was never able to SSH into it while it held a static address. For now I settled with just using a non-static one (which for some reason is consistent enough); I will look more into why it doesn’t work, but for now as long as we are able to create a demo video with it and run it at school for the demo, it’s probably fine.
We are roughly on schedule.
Next Steps
The only thing basically left to do is to work a bit more on the demo and demo video (we are still working with some details regarding setup). And as I said last week, I want to try downsampling the squares that OpenCV captures (to make the edges more prominent, though I guess I wouldn’t know what filter to use), and re-running those images through the Haar cascade again to reduce the model’s error of identifying faces.