Elizabeth’s Status Report for 2/18

We met as a team to collect data. We went around to each other’s places to discover which place was the best to test our data. Jeff and I first tried to get data on Tuesday morning, but failed to get data due to time limitations, and physical limitations (we discovered that a lot of our windows are facing away from the sunlight during this time of year). As a team we also worked on the design presentation.

As a team, we tested out our Intel RealSense Lidar Camera L515, but we discovered it doesn’t work under sunlight/ambient light (more can be found here). We decided to switch plans instead and go with the Intel RealSense Depth Camera D455 instead, as its accuracy is not dependent on the presence of sunlight, and its range is 6 meters. I also helped order the materials and find a rough cost of the parts we need 3D printed.

I also looked into the pros and cons of using different distance sensors, to see if perhaps an ultrasonic distance sensor would fit our needs better. Referencing multiple websites, I found that LiDAR in general measures distance more accurately, but ultrasonic sensors tend to be cheaper and use less power. Because our accuracy goals are kind of high, it would be best to use LiDAR in this case to measure the distance of the person. I also looked at the GitHub for Intel RealSense, but haven’t started a small demo yet.


As a team, we are on schedule, though I feel like I could’ve accomplished more this week.


I will work on an OpenCV example using the Intel RealSense Lidar Camera L515 (while we are still in the process of getting the D455)which I will work on over the next week. I will also help Dianne with the LAOE adjustments and help in general with getting more test points as needed.

Courses: 18202, 15112

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