Current Progress:
This week, I got started with coding the API for the Light Area of Effect (LAOE). We first wanted to make sure our math was correct, so we took data points from one of our living rooms. We measured the horizontal distance from a corner of the window to the respective corner cast onto the ground (x) as well as the distance away from the window (y), and recorded the time of day so that we could find the altitude and the azimuth of the sun at that time.
I took these data points and applied the formula we had in mind to check the formula. Here is the manual math done with the data points to find the (x, y) position relative to a spot on the window:
The values did not match the data points within a 5 cm range as we had originally intended. We may need to make revisions to the formula going forwards, such as accounting for refraction and other factors.
Next Steps:
First, I will finish coding up the formula to map corners of the window projected onto the ground. Along with that, we will write an algorithm that will have to check if a point intersects this area/volume created by the window, as well as the algorithm for calculating the change to the blinds.
ECE Courses:
Since I am working on the software track, the greatest contribution to the skills I have utilized are those from software courses. This includes 15-112 for a great foundation in computer science and 15-462 for help with the LAOE algorithm.