In the past week, my focus was primarily on drafting the design review report and discussing with my teammates on what components/sub-systems need to be changed in order to produce a successful end product. With that being said, I also made some progress on programming the user interface of the interactive web application with HTML/CSS during the past week and over spring break. While I do not have screenshots of the web app yet as it has yet to be deployed and tested on the Django server, I will include some photos to show my progress in next week’s report after I incorporate the Django authentication package to my code. In total (over Week 7 and Spring Break), I contributed over 14 hours drafting the design review report and 4 hours programming the web app user interface. In terms of the schedule on my own part of the project, I am on schedule as I plan to finish building the UI with HTML/CSS by Friday.
Another thing to note is that, as the professor suggested in Week 7, we are ramping up the production of the backend once we return from Spring Break. So, I will also contribute to the backend development next week in addition to the usual front end work. Specifically, I will assist Brian with testing the tracking capabilities of the CV software and adjust the parameters of the algorithm (such as confidence level) so that most, if not all, human who enter the camera field view can be detected on all frames.
I will answer the additional question for SR #4 in the team report.