This week, I mostly worked on further specifying the wireframes for the web application as well as designing the scope of our prediction feature. Outside of the time spent on preparing for the design review presentation and the upcoming report, I spent roughly 2 hour designing the web application and 3 hours redefining the scope of the prediction feature (details to be included in design review report). Based on the detailed schedule we have set, my progress on my individual components are not behind, yet also not too far ahead.
From the screenshot of the wireframes above, we will be requiring all users to register and login with a CMU-affiliated email address in order to make the project exclusive to CMU users. This can be done via the Django authentication package and creating a custom decorator to narrow down the list of emails accepted by the server. Additionally, I also communicated with the head librarian of Sorrells Library, Matt Marsteller, regarding the possibility of conducting extensive testing there. We will meet this coming week to discuss our project in detail as well as the potential challenges of testing at Sorrells.
Based on the fact that our project is divided into 3 main categories (hardware, backend, frontend) with one member of the team specializing in one of the categories, we have not made any big adjustments to our team work assignments. All three members of the team have been working according to the detailed schedule that we set together. One minor change that I made to my own component is adding a wireframes design stage (which I have now completed) before I start developing the web app (next week). This new stage will help me make better and more disciplined design decisions come next week, when I will start working on designing the shell of the web app with HTML/CSS.