During this week, I mainly migrated our database from using sqlite to a free webhosted postgres database called Elephantsql. This is because our webapp works better when run on local computer and our backend is currently running on google colab, and we need a method to communicate data from google colab to the webapp. The cost of using a webhosted database as opposed to sqlite3 is that database queries takes longer to complete, however we are only querying the database every minute, as that is the amount of time between each update, this makes the time difference negligible for the sake of our project. We are pretty much done with our project, and will move onto finishing the final report as well as prepare for the final demo in the upcoming week. Some details on testing for the backend system which I was responsible for:
- Other than testing counting during integrated tests, I ran a lot of local testing to test the logic of backend
- Most of those tests consisted of me processing videos taken from camera setups to see that when people are entering/exiting rooms, did the counts increase/decrease properly. There was really no other way to know to debug logic properly other than manually inspecting the video footages.
- Also tested average processing speed to see if it meets our 10fps requirement. When there is little traffic(1, 2 people in hallway), our system was able to run at 33 fps, this decreases to about 10 fps when there are around 10 people being detected.