Obtaining permission to test our system in Sorrels Library is currently one of the most significant risks for our project. We have refined our use case to concentrate solely on Sorrels’ entrances, which has resulted in several adjustments to our use case requirements and validation targets. If we are unable to test in Sorrels, we may need to redesign multiple aspects of our product late in the design cycle. However, we have already obtained informal confirmation from CMU library management that our testing plans at Sorrels are likely to be allowed after formal approval by the administration, thanks to our early contact with the head librarian. We have also explored alternative testing locations on CMU, such as other libraries with comparable occupancy levels and entryway dimensions, to minimize the need for extensive system and requirement redesigns in the event that Sorrels testing falls through.
During this week, we completed our design review presentation and have been working on incorporating the feedback we received into our future plans. We are considering making some changes to our project, such as adding a secondary camera to record the Sorrels entryways from a different angle during testing. This would enable us to scan the footage using alternative CV techniques to automatically create a ground truth for validating our people count across extended testing periods.
Additionally, we are looking into further deepening our predictive capabilities and providing more interesting feedback about future occupancy to our users. This could involve providing an estimate of when the library is expected to reach lower occupancy levels in the future, or how long users are expected to wait before finding a seat during peak occupancy times.
Our plan is to discuss any potential design changes with the professor and TA on Monday, and finalize them accordingly. Fortunately, we have reserved a few extra weeks for integration and slack near the end of the project, so we believe these changes can still be implemented within our semester time frame. Meanwhile, there have not been any significant adjustments in the team’s work assignments in the past week, as everyone is on schedule with their respective parts of the project.