Throughout the week, my main focus was on preparing the design review slideshow for our team’s upcoming presentation on 2/20. To start, I collaborated with my team to redefine our use-case and refine our associated requirements, specifically tailored to Sorrels Library. I also took the time to review the Design Review Guidance document on Canvas and analyze previous design review presentations from similar teams in the past to ensure our presentation would meet the expected level of detail.
Next, I organized our team’s testing process and validation requirements for the design review presentation, outlining our plan and discussing it further with my team. Additionally, I provided updates on our implementation and integration progress.
Once the design review slides were completed, I dedicated additional time to rehearsing my verbal presentation for the upcoming 2/20 presentation. Over the weekend, I practiced my presentation multiple times to refine my delivery and ensure that I was effectively communicating my points with clarity and conciseness. To further guarantee that I was prepared to address any potential questions that may arise during the presentation, I took the initiative to review the technical comments and notes provided by my teammates for their respective project components.
In addition to working on the project proposal, I also took on the task of configuring the newly acquired Raspberry Pi according to our team’s specifications. However, as the delivery of our Arducam camera was slightly delayed, I decided to swap this week’s task of configuring the camera with next week’s assignment of accessing a video stream from in Raspberry Pi. Using OpenCV, I successfully accessed and displayed a live feed from a generic USB webcam connected to the Raspberry Pi. I also was able to change the video resolution to 640p to meet one of our design requirements, ensuring that my progress remained on schedule for the week.
The only adjustment to my work assignments was the aforementioned rearrangement of the Raspberry Pi and camera configuration tasks. Moving forward, my deliverables for the upcoming week will be to configure the Arducam camera and access its video feed via OpenCV, in addition to completing my portion of the team’s Design Report.