I have finished implementing background software for processes not involving hardware, consisting of sender and receiver libraries for processing information.
Anju and I collaborated on updates that should simplify the protocol. Before, we were going to concurrently send packets, decode on the receiver side, have the receiver signal for resending packets upon hamming error (which would involve a receiver side error queue and a sender side cache), and final reconstruction revolving around tags (involving a priority queue on the receiver side). We have since simplified this procedure. We will now only send packets one at a time until it passes both UART checks and hamming encoding checks in software. This will save us the trouble of trying to interrupt flow processes based on errors that might occur, and guarantees that on the receiver side, all information received and stored will be correct (based on the limitations of hamming encoding) and present. This also removes complications such as caching packets in the case of error on the sender side, and the priority queue on the receiver side. Additionally, the entire file size will be sent up front so appropriately sized memory can be allocated upfront on the receiver side. This has significantly decluttered and streamlined my code and should hopefully minimally compromise on time, if at all.
I completed steps 1 and 2 for the Ethics Assignment
My schedule is mostly on track now. I would like to write more test cases to double-check that my code is functioning properly. I can now proceed to work with KJ on programming an EEPROM and VCP with the hardware being completed this week.
Deliverables for Next Week
More test cases for current code
Code that demonstrates a basic understanding of interfacing with the hardware (EEPROM and VCP code)
Begin fully implementing software that integrates the library code I have written into sender and receiver code for the device.