I have ironed out the algorithm that will be used for both the sender and the receiver software. A block diagram is shown below. I try to minimize information sent and stored to create an efficient algorithm to send and process transmitted data.
I was recently tasked with Hamming encoding/decoding in software as well as EEPROM configuration. I have begun looking up examples online of how to organize and implement these tasks and have begun writing non-hardware-dependent algorithms. I have also continued understanding COM connections and implementing a VCP and have reached out to friends with more experience in the area on how to implement these ideas. I plan to meet with my friends Wednesday night to better grasp the concepts I have gathered and implement all of these tasks.
My work is on schedule. While I wasn’t able to write pseudocode (again), more of the protocol was ironed out and I have made progress on all fronts regarding my software implementation. Remaining flexible towards hardware changes has been a large focus for me, and I have tried to remain productive while the hardware portion of the project is developed. I believe we are still set up to integrate software, hardware, and FPGA shortly following break, and I plan to implement more code during break to make up for any slack produced at this time while design elements are being finalized.
Deliverables for next week
I will meet with my friends to have a better understanding of the code I wish to implement regarding hardware connection.
Finishing the status report will take priority for most of the week, but I still hope to make progress in my software implementation and have a solid plan going into the break of what needs to be complete.