This week, I completed the schematic for our custom PCB. This included adding as many backup plans to the board as possible so it will still work even if I made some mistakes and some parts do not work as expected. I also had the schematic reviewed by both of my teammates and several other people to verify that I did not make any mistakes. This included doing calculations to ensure that the board will meet all timing requirements and finding an example board using our FTDI chip, since it is fairly complicated.
I completed our budget this week. This included specifying the exact BOM of the board, as well as figuring out how much extra of each part to order, and how best to acquire passive components. We are buying all parts we need, and purchasing as much as we can on multiples of 10 and 100 to get discounts. This means that our order of passives costs $0.01 more than buying enough for 2 boards, and it has over 100 more extra parts. The budget also includes all of our prototyping parts, 3d printing, shipping, a stencil, and everything else we will spend on. We will have $80 left over for anything that comes up later.
My work is on schedule. I wanted to complete the schematic this week, and I had it done early in the week. We also tested the lens this week, which is ahead of schedule. I am confident we will be able to order parts and the PCB before Spring break, as I have a week for layout.
I hope to complete our layout for our pcb in the next week. This way we can order it next week and have it in hand when we return from Spring break.