Team Status Report for 04/01

The most significant risks currently are fabricating our PCB and soldering its surface mounts. This week we were able to try soldering our components, however, due to a lack of expertise, we fried two PCBs. We have contacted the ECE staff to get permission to use the soldering paste and oven to make it easier. However, if that does not work, we will use Perf boards and solder our components on it.

Instead of 3D printing our board, we decided to laser cut our board and the encasing. As for our braille notation, we decided to 3D print the portions of the board that would require braille and make a casing for these on the board. In order to differentiate between white and black pieces, we decided to incorporate a new design for the different colored pieces which essentially adds a point top to black pieces; this type of design is common in chess boards targeted for blind users.

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