Mukundh Balajee’s Status Report for 03/11

For this week, I was mainly focused on assessing the different sections of our design report, to ensure we tackle every portion of our project with careful consideration. Apart from that, we were able to finalize our pieces and have them 3D printed for our first prototype. Our sensors are still stuck with the vendor, which has pushed our sensor testing off by one more week. We have been in touch with Quinn and our TA about this.

Currently, we followed a similar strategy to last week and moved our schedule around to account for the delay of the sensors. We got a head start on our web app, scripts that will run on the RPi, and also communication between the RPi and This has helped us stay somewhat on track with our schedule and get some future work out of the way.

Next week, we hope to receive our sensors, test them and send the PCB for fabrication. We also plan to finalize our board and the components we will be attaching to it. Apart from this, we plan to work on integrating the sensors and the RPi to ensure we have proper data collection.

After this week’s design report, we were able to come up with different subsystems required for our system, and we realized that we have some extra learning to do for PCB Fabrication, using an RPi and uploading scripts to it, communicating between RPi and web app and RPi and physical board. We plan on reading through datasheets for different components in our circuitry and on our board, to help us get an efficient circuitry and have correct connections and functionality.