Our current risks are the arrival of our PCBs on time and the manufacturing of our hardware components, which involves laser cutting the board, 3D printing the pieces, and ordering the PCBs and the required components to make the connections on the PCB. We have Juan working on this and placing the orders this weekend so that we can test our circuits and place our order for all 8 columns soon. We also plan to split the task of printing the pieces and have Mukundh and Edison also involved in the manufacturing of the board.
We decided that instead of 3D printing the board, we were gonna laser cut it, to give it the same textures as before. This was a cheaper option given the scale of our board. Apart from this, we have been modifying our software systems. We are reconsidering the use of the Web Application, and also how we want to store, send/receive, and handle data to ensure minimal latency.