Mukundh Balajee’s Status Report for 3/18

This week, I was able to test our Hall Effect Sensors, which arrived late.  I designed the circuit needed for each tile and tested out our magnets. I was also able to place the order for the magnets, on my own, to ensure it arrives on time, and we can decide our magnetic strength range for each unique piece. On the software side, I was able to help make our code modular, and separate it into different scripts. I was able to make major progress on the move validation, and integration with Our code currently has endpoints that can be connected to for full functionality. Once our PCB arrives and we can connect the hardware portion.

Currently, my progress is on schedule. I was able to catch up over spring break and keep our progress on schedule till this week. We have been behind on our hardware side, however, Edison and I have been able to catch up on a lot of the work on the software side of our project.

By next week, we hope to have our board laser cut, and PCB tested and ready for use. e also plan to have our pieces made (with magnets inside the piece and pegs placed at the bottom), and 3D print all the pieces. We plan to have some form of established communication between our board and RPi.

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