Team Report for 03/11

Currently, the delay in the arrival of our Hall Effect sensors, adds an extra time crunch to send our PCB out for fabrication as soon as possible, which would involve testing the sensors as soon as they arrive. Mukundh and Juan are currently learning how to use Autodesk and Eagle to help with PCB Fabrication, and they have also gone over their circuits to check for any theoretical flaws they were able to identify. We have moved our schedule around and worked on future tasks to help keep us somewhat on track.

We decided to get rid of an Arduino Uno, and instead just use an 8-channel ADC, as we realized that this was a cheaper option and did exactly what an Arduino Uno would do. This helps us use our budget for other purposes and be economically wise.

As highlighted in our individual Status Reports, for this week, we have identified some technical challenges which we would haveto overcome. For instance, Juan and Mukundh are learning how to use AutoDesk and Eagle, Edison and Mukundh are learning how to use an RPI as this is their first time using it, and also how to connect the RPito a web app and to the Physical Board.

Below is our updated gantt chart which takes into consideration the delays we’ve experienced with the delivery of our sensors. Due to these set backs, we’ve had to readjust the dates for sensor testing, as well as PCB fabrication – since our PCB will be based on the results of our testing.


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