Team Report for 2/25

We currently do not have the parts for our circuit, so this has set us back and affected our timeline. We are currently looking at different circuit options to help finalize our circuit. We hope to be able to have our circuit done and ready for fabrication by the end of this week (the beginning of Spring Break) in order to fix any possible mistakes on the PCB as soon as we return from Spring Break.

We have updated our team work assignments to take into account the delay of our hall effect sensors and PCB fabrication. We also had a few miscommunications that lead to the board design and pieces not being printed on time. In order to account for our schedule changes we have moved things around in our gantt chart and prioritized specific tasks. The top priority for this coming week is PCB fabrication, the reasoning behind this was to match delivery time with Spring Break and begin testing as soon as we return. This coming week we have divided up the work as follows:

Edison: Finalize move legality script and  its respective testing script, finish web application board and live game communication.

Mukundh: Unit testing for the hall effect sensors, adding braille notation to 3D designs, begin and finalize autodesk design for PCB

Juan: Finish the 3D printing of two board and piece design in order to test for the best configuration. PCB design. Also work on piece vocalization using Raspberry Pi/Arduino

We had no major design changes this week. We had to order new hall effect sensors in order to test on a breadboard, prior to fabricating our PCB. This lead to an increase cost of $16 for the unit testing. The vocalization change cost has not been determined as we might be able to get a free speaker for the Arduino in a kit that Juan has.

We updated our schedule to account for certain issues that came up. We ordered the wrong part, so we had to push our circuit testing by a week, and move certain tasks earlier to account for the delay. The updated schedule has been attached here.


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