This week, my main goal was to setup the project’s web application and gain some understanding of the API. I started the week by working on some basic UI designs and flow diagrams for the frontend portion of the web application – these were for the most important portions of the project, i.e. the homepage, searching for game flow diagram, etc. After finalizing these, I began setting up the web application and opted to use a reactjs frontend connected to an expressjs backend – I chose these two frameworks since I’m familiar with both from previous internship experiences. After having a fullstack web application setup, I began tinkering with the API with the specific goal of making moves during a live game. After lots of reading and a few temporary bans (I was accidentally spamming the website with requests), I was able to make moves using standard chess notation from my local frontend application. I was also able to seek or create games and receive game updates to the backend.
As of right now, I’m on schedule with the tasks I have to complete. For the following week, I will continue working on the web application for the most part. I hope to be able to start, play, and view an entire chess game from our web application by next week and hopefully begin the process of adding OAuth or some Authentication to the web app.
Most of the principles I applied in the progress I made were taught in 17-437 Web Application Development. Although, the process of writing unit tests was not taught in the course, I learned all about the communication between the backend and frontend which allowed me to write concise tests for my entire system.