Team Status Report for 2/18

We are currently in the process of testing our circuit for the detection of magnetic fields, which is the most crucial part of our project. As mentioned during our presentations, piece detection is one of our big technical challenges. We hope to challenge this task with the help of multiple online resources, which have similar applications to our circuit. As a contingency plan, we think we hope to follow different circuits we have found online, and possibly add modifications to fit our requirements. We have also focused our energy to familiarizing ourselves with the API we’re using for our web application backend and have made good progress at implementing some functions that will be necessary in future iterations of our board (i.e. making moves on an ongoing chess game).

Our team focused on two principles of engineering – testability and integrity. We want our design to be easily testable as well as guarantees integrity across the board. We did this by dividing the system into easy to test subsystems to guarantee integrity at each point of the design. By unit testing each component we can then focus our energy into testing the integration of all the subsystems as a whole.


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