For today’s progress report there was mostly planning and learning done this week. Since one of our biggest obstacles in designing our board is creating the PCB, we have a to learn how to use Eagle/AutoDesk. Me and Mukundh are in charge of designing the PCB so we both have to be able to make proper decisions when using the required software. My main goal after Wednesday’s presentation was finding and watching tutorials online, some of which I will link in this post. The goal for the next status report is to have a primitive PCB design that could serve the purpose of our project. I would say that on my end, I am a bit behind schedule. In order to get back on schedule, I plan on getting as much hands on experience I can this week with the Eagle at the computers in ANSYS. I am also beginning to research how I am going to design the engraving on chess pieces so that they can distinguishable.
Some Examples of the Youtube videos that I watched: