Team E6: waitr

Carnegie Mellon ECE Capstone, Spring 2022

Sophie Sacks, Sam Lavelle, Dina Razek

Weekly Status Reports

Sam Lavelle’s Status Report for Feb. 26, 2022

This week, I finished constructing our circuit on a breadboard. I also added our logo to our website and design review presentation.

I’m on schedule, but anticipate a possible delay from figuring out how to power the board – I previously thought the whole board was powered by a +/-5V DC power supply, but that’s just for the op amp in the circuit. I’ll need an AC power source that’s 125 kHz and 2.0 Vpp, so this week I’ll test with the equipment in the labs while I figure out a way to convert power from an outlet to these metrics. I’ll check digikey for a converter, and talk with the professor and TA if that doesn’t work out.

Deliverables for next week include making our inductor coil and beginning to test the circuit as a whole. I’ll look in the 1300 wing for suitable PVC tubing, and calculate the specs for the resulting coil. Hooking this up to my existing circuit will be easy, so all that’s left is to test it using the tests and Arduino code from 220. Looking ahead, I’ll be modifying this code for our specific needs.

Sophie Sacks’s Status Report for February 19th

This week, most of my focus went into the Design Review presentation since I will be presenting for my team. I mainly put work into the system specification for the software backend, but I also contributed to the testing plan and the system specification for the software frontend. I will work on finishing up the presentation and practicing tomorrow. In addition to Design Review, I also set up a team GitHub private repository for us to use for code collaboration. I initiated the Django project in order to have the backbone of our web application set up. Finally, I designed our file, which contains the way that our SQL database will store data. This file can be seen below.

My progress is currently on schedule. Next week, I hope to successfully complete the Design Review presentation and continue to put effort into the Design Review paper. I will also continue to work on the software backend by beginning to tackle the ML package we plan on using.

Sam Lavelle’s Status Report for Feb. 19, 2022

his week, I designed our hardware implentation and gathered/ordered all necessary supplies. Any uncertainties were fleshed out in our weekly meeting, so now it’s ready to be built! I also finalized our logo, and will be adding it to our website and design presentation.

I’m pretty much on schedule – I’ll begin building our circuit on a breadboard this week, and next time we’re having lab in the 1300 wing, I’ll look at PVC pipes to begin winding our inductor. The build shouldn’t take long, since I’ve already completed it while taking 18-220.

Deliverables for next week are just building the circuit components on my breadboard. The RPis we ordered came in, so I’ll also need to pick those up.

Team Status Report for Feb. 19, 2022

As we go into the next week, there doesn’t seem to be any pressing issues; the plan for the hardware build has been finalized and is ready to go, and our frontend software is coming along nicely. Debugging is to be expected with both hardware and software, but hopefully that won’t jeopardize a large amount of the team’s time.

After meeting with the professor and TA last week, there are no changes to the plan for our software and user interface. For hardware, one minor change was made – instead of having to 3D print a holder for our inductor coil, we will first try to use PVC pipes available in the ECE commons. This will lessen production time, and the resulting product will probably be sturdier, as well.

Below is our up-to-date Gantt chart. The only changes made were to get more specific with the dates and tasks needed for our hardware build, since that was fleshed out in our meeting last week:

Dina Razek’s Status Report for February 19th, 2022

This week I mainly worked on our design presentation, focusing on the system specification for the software frontend and backend. I helped Sophie prepare to give our design presentation at the beginning of the week. I also worked out some of the implementation details for the software, building out a block diagram with Sophie.

I also set up the HTML and CSS templates for our web application. I performed a design review of other wait time user interfaces, and built a low-fidelity design for our web application.

I am on schedule. For next week, I plan to finalize a high-fidelity design for our web application, and begin setting up the HTML and CSS to fulfill the design.

Dina Razek’s Status Report for February 12th, 2022

Over the past week, I have worked on our Proposal Presentation, which covered a lot more of the details of our project. I focused on outlining our technical challenges, solution approach, solution justification, and material decisions. I helped Sam prepare to give our proposal presentation at the beginning of the week.

I spent some time researching software design solutions for a crowd-source / data-sharing application, considering different user interface guidelines and security guidelines. With respect to UI, our application should be simple and should contain useful visual cues to help the user navigate. With respect to security, our application needs to take measures to protect against cross-site scripting and SQL injections, which can be done through semantic and syntactic input validation. I also worked on the design proposal and ironed out the specific implementation plans for the software frontend and backend.

My progress is currently on schedule. For next week, I plan to set up the Github repository, set up the Django framework, and finalize our design proposal and presentation.

Team Status Report for Feb. 12, 2022

As we go into the next week, the team may be jeopardized by the availability of our components; supply chain issues are affecting some electronics. If this is the case, we will find alternatives that are in stock, or redesign the circuit to use a slightly different component. Since we already do have most of the necessary components, this should not be a huge issue.

We have stuck to our original plan thus far, and have not made any changes to our overall design or software/hardware components. Any changes will likely occur in the next few weeks, as we order parts and begin to build.

Below is our up-to-date Gantt chart:

Sophie Sacks’s Status Report for February 12th

Over this past week, most of my energy was put into finishing up the Proposal presentation as well as beginning work on the Design Review presentation. For the Proposal, I created most of our use-case requirements and helped with further defining the use case, solution approach, solution justification, and material decisions for the software component of our project. Additionally, Dina and I helped Sam feel fully prepared to give the presentation. For the Design Review, I created a document to help outline what we need to include. I completed the Introduction and worked a great deal on the System Implementation on the software side. I researched the proper way to have input validation on our web application. I also looked into different machine learning Python packages we can use and found that sklearn gives us a number of options. In addition, I researched how to successfully have an ML model within a Django backend and found a guide for deploying ML models with Django that will become immensely useful later on. Finally, I decided on the design for our backend Django database.

My progress is currently on schedule. Since we have decided that I will be giving the Design Review presentation, my focus next week will mainly be on making sure I am fully prepared to present. I will continue to work on the Design Review paper but put most of my effort into the slides and notes for when I present.

Sam Lavelle’s Status Report for Feb. 12, 2022

This week, I gave our presentation and nailed down the details of our hardware implementation. I found the handout for 220’s Lab 4 (the RFID lab), and went off that. I made sure I still had all the components to execute the lab, and then researched ways to make it less of a lab and more of a finished project – for example, using a thinner mag wire that will allow our inductor coil to be a lot smaller (and easier to wind).

I’m a bit behind schedule, as I would have liked to order parts this weekend. I forgot that presentations would last two days, so I lost that in-class time. Still, I hope to come in Monday with a pretty definitive list to go over with Tamal before putting in the order.

Deliverables for next week include ordering all the necessary hardware parts. While I wait for them to come in, I’ll begin to go through Lab 4 again on my breadboard – this will make sure the design is fresh in my mind, and provide a good guideline for when I begin soddering.

Introduction to Our Project: waitr

Students on campus have a very difficult time knowing how crowded and busy restaurants are in real time. Especially during COVID, students may be concerned about how crowded an indoor area is. By having scanners to measure how many people are in line, users can check an application to see the estimated wait time. Our project will consist of two RFID scanners programmed to identify when a person enters and leaves the line and approximate the waiting time to order using a machine learning model. This includes the physical hardware as well as the software program behind it. This program will be updated in real time with the most recent data sent over the Internet to the web application.