Sam Lavelle’s Status Report for Apr. 30, 2022

This week I worked with the team to combine software and hardware components into one system, and prepare our final deliverables. We met up in the lab and connected the Arduino and RPi to create one system, and after some debugging, were successful. I had to tweak how the Arduino is grounded as it went from being connected to my laptop to the RPi, but it fortunately didn’t take too long to figure that out and get it working. I also worked on our poster.

As the semester comes to a close, we are on schedule to have our full system ready for the final demo. We also are on schedule with our deliverables.

Next week, I’ll prepare for the final demo by picking up the perma-board that just came in and hopefully getting some soldering done. I might have the working system to still use the breadboard so that the soldered board is free for people to get a closer look at our circuit, but we’ll see based on how far I get. I also want to make some sort of board that all our components attach to, so that the components and their wires are more organized for people to look at. In addition to final demo prep, I’ll be working on the final report and video with my team.

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