Sam’s Status Report for Apr. 16, 2022

This week I wasn’t able to accomplish anything with the circuit, as I was ill. I began to feel well enough to start making up work for all my classes on Friday, and I think I’ll be able to go to class on Monday to continue troubleshooting my circuit. The ADALM I ordered came in, and I’ll use that to debug.

At this point, I just need the circuit to work reliably so that we can focus on getting the info from the Arduino to the RPi, thus closing the loop on our system. I don’t know why it suddenly stopped working, but hopefully the ADALM is helpful in figuring out what the issue is. I’m a bit frustrated, as the circuit has been built for months now, but issues with uncalibrated machines and Arduinos have me stuck at the breadboard stage. I still hope to sodder something for our final product, so I’ll try to order what I need for that this week – this may even solve the issue, as it could be a broken connection within my protoboard.

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