Sophie Sacks’s Status Report for April 10th

This week, Dina and I were able to successfully send a request from the RPi to the web application deployed onto an EC2 instance on AWS. We connected the commercial RFID scanner directly to the RPi and sent the time scanned and the ID scanned to the web server. We then saved this information into the backend database through Django. All of this new code can be seen in our file, which first finds the connected device and then sends the request. A snippet of this code can be seen below.

During our demo, we were able to showcase the web application and RPi functionality well. The main feedback I received on the neural network and the backend was to integrate the live wait times better now that we are able to collect that data through the RPi.

My progress is currently on schedule. Next week, I hope to set up the second RPi since this takes a good amount of time. I also hope to setup the backend to better handle the live data since this is a priority in our application. Finally, I hope to start connecting Sam’s circuit to the RPi if time allows.

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