This week I parsed the video data for dynamic signs (movement required) and trained two models for interpreting them. There was a bug with the video data being unsuccessfully feature extracted, and I realized this was because the beginning and end of many of the videos had no hands in them (due to the user starting and stopping the camera). I changed it such that these frames are padded as zeros when formatting the landmark data in arrays. I also debugged why the models were not being correctly loaded up in the back end of the web app (which turned out to be an issue with the way the model was being saved as a file after training). I further looked into how we could conveniently record accuracy data about models at various epochs, and changed the code such that multiple trained models are saved at intervals until the final epoch is reached.
My progress is on schedule. The only concern I have is for a bug with the timer in our code that stops the user’s input feed after 5 seconds. It executes multiple times such that sometimes the user cannot record a second or third attempt to their answer for a given sign. During the next week, I hope to resolve this issue and tune the dynamic model such that it may be at a high enough accuracy to add to the app. I also hope to continue to collect data on model accuracy while varying parameters for our final design report/documentation. Lastly, I hope to add a bit more logic to the back end of the web app where sign grading is completed (e.g. say the sign is incorrect if the user has the wrong number of hands present in frame).