Hinna’s Status Report for 4/10/22

Throughout this week, I was feeling fairly sick, so I did not accomplish as much as I intended to. However, I was able to continue working on creating testing/training data (specifically focusing on our 15 dynamic signs) as well as continue working locally with our machine learning models to see which groupings of signs are performing the worst (currently this is the fist model). Additionally, we did a virtual dry run through of our interim demo, which we couldn’t do since our whole group was sick, and based on TA/professor feedback, I started looking into normalizing the inputs we get to our model in order to make sure that slightly varying the distance or hand position doesn’t affect the predictions. I will continue this research along with my other group members this week to determine if the normalization will be feasible given the amount of time we have left.

Additionally, given that there are only 3 weeks left in the semester, I began planning for user testing by researching the best webapp user satisfaction questions to ask, reaching out to potential testers (other students at CMU), and creating a testing schedule. Given that we initially planned to start user testing last week, this portion of the project is behind schedule.

Overall, we are slightly behind schedule due to our group-wide illnesses this past week and the fact that our models are not working for every letter, resulting in us pushing back user testing. In order to get back on track, we have scheduled two additional meetings this week (outside our normal class time and previously set weekly meets), so that we can dedicate more focused work time to our project.

Next week, we hope to have the static models fully done and the dynamic models significantly progressing (with at least 7/15 having 80%+ prediction rates). Additionally, we plan to start implementing a quiz/testing menu option on the webapp, where users can be quizzed on a random subset of signs. Finally, we plan to have a user testing schedule planned out and ready to go so we can get some feedback in these final weeks.

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