Aishwarya’s Status Report for 3/26/22

I trained models for 4 of our model groups (1-finger, 2-finger, 3-finger, and fist-shaped). With testing these, we noticed some unexpected behavior, particularly with the 3-finger model, and realized that the training dataset had incorrect samples for letters such as M and N. I, along with my other group members, recorded videos to create new data that would replace these samples. I wrote a script to extract frames from these videos to store as jpg images, allowing us to generate a few thousand images for the labels that needed to have their samples replaced.  Due to these issues we discovered with the datasets, I will need to reformat the training data and retrain some of the models with these newly created samples.

Our progress is on schedule. During this next week, I hope to integrate the web app video input with the model execution code in preparation for our interim demo. I will also complete re-parsing the data with our new samples for training and retrain the models.

The video linked is a mini-demonstration of one of my models performing real-time predictions.



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