This week I focused more on the web application since we are running slightly behind on schedule for this. I decided to look into the differences between Material UI and Bootstrap to decide on one of these front-end frameworks to use for the project. I ended up choosing Bootstrap because it’s the one that we, as a team, have more experience with and the components are easy to make. Because of this, I started working on our HTML templates for our web application. I was only able to complete how the home page and the course page are going to look and here is an image for reference. Most of the data in the HTML templates is dummy data that I am planning on replacing during the week of spring break to show our actual lesson plans. Apart from this, I have also been working on our design report. As a team, we chose to split up the report into parts and assign them to each other. So this week I have been working on the design requirements and the system implementation for the web application. Lastly, I expanded our testing dataset for letters N-Z and numbers 5-9 by adding 15 images for each sign. I decided to take these pictures with varying lighting scenarios so that we can see whether our neural network still predicts the correct labels.
As of now, my progress is slightly behind schedule. I was hoping to have all of the templates ready by this week so when we came back from spring break we have something to start with. However, I was only able to get one template done. Since next week I have four midterms that I need to study for, I am not going to have that much time to get all of the templates done in time. Because of this, I am going to continue working on the HTML templates during the week of spring break. For next week, I hope to get one HTML template done, preferably the training template e.g. the page that shows our instructional video and real-time video feedback, and finish our design report since that is a major part of our grade.