Team Status Report for 2/12/22

This week, our team gave the proposal presentation. We met twice before the presentation to practice what we were going to say. As part of our preparation for the proposal presentation, we also created a solution block diagram to visualize the main components needed for our project. Furthermore, we created a visualization of the different modes for our web application (training vs testing). After our proposal presentation, we met on Friday to discuss how we were going to design our machine learning model. We were researching what were the best types of neural networks to use for both images and videos to label them with a correct prediction. We discussed the limitations of convolutional networks and looked more into recurrent neural networks. We also discussed how we might want to approach feature extraction (modifying the coordinate points from the hands into a more useful set of distance data). Distance data may allow us to have greater prediction accuracy than raw image inputs, which can have interference from background pixels. Currently, our most significant risk is incorrectly choosing the neural network, as well as having our models not be accurate enough for users. Another potential risk is incorrectly processing our images during feature extraction leading to latency and incorrect predictions. Our current risk mitigation is that we are researching the best neural network. But we have decided that worst-case scenario we would choose convolutional neural networks, which would allow us to simply feed the images themselves as inputs with the consequences, however, of lower accuracy and more latency. Lastly, a potential worry is that we need to start training soon but our design is still in progress, so we have firm time constraints to keep in mind.

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