View our final video here! All attributions are in the video description! Thanks for watching
Harry’s Status Report 4/30/22
This week I focused on fixing bugs with the system interconnects, designing and running the user validation tests, and implementing a more improved MIDI system. There were some subtle synchronization issues with the serial connections that only made themselves apparent
Harry’s Status Report for 4/24/22
This week I focused on finishing up the integration, validating that the serial protocol works, working on latency testing, and working on the final presentation. I started by fixing the data parsing issue I’d had with the Jetson <-> Due
Harry’s Status Report for 4/16/22
This week was spent finishing up the Integration phase and preparing for the final assembly. I spent most of the week working on the three-way communication protocol. I started by upping the baud rate for the Micro <-> Due pipeline
Harry’s Status Report for 4/10/22
This week was primarily focused on wrapping up the Serial communication between the project subsystems and starting serious work on the Max Soft Synth. We achieved successful rotational data capture and were able to translate that data into appropriate MIDI
Harry’s Status Report for 4/2/22
This week I helped with the assembly of the glove and established a serial connection between the Jetson and the Due. For the assembly I worked with Tomas to design the CAD models for our 3d-printed ArUco markers. For the
Team Status Report for 3/26/22
This week we shifted gears a bit while waiting for the RS-485 dummy implementation to be ready. The RS-485 Half-Duplex transmission is now fully operational between the Uno and Due and is ready to be translated for the Jetson/Due
Harry’s Status Report for 3/26/22
This week I finally managed to get board-to-board communication working! There were a lot of issues along the way that delayed this progress, but as of 3/26 the dummy half-duplex system is fully working and ready to be migrated to
Team Status Report for 3/19/22
Since our last status update we have fully begun with the hardware and software implementations of our project. Over break we all did a lot of research on our various subsystems to ensure that we would be able to jump
Harry’s Status Report for 3/19/22
The past couple weeks were spent attempting to get the RS 485 connection working in a dummy system. The system consists of two Arduino Unos utilizing Max 485 chips to convert a UART TTL signal into RS 485. Presently the