This week the replacement motor with the higher torque rating came in so I swapped out the overheated one. I tested it out prior to replacing it and it was working but when I attached the projector it would fall over and fidget or was completely unresponsive. I thought that maybe the torque was not high enough or that the motor was just faulty. Later I took off the projector and retested it and it worked so I put the projector back and all is working correctly. Now we are able to fully test our system and I have been making adjustments to the functions as we go. We started the user study and I have a plan to implement the feedback we have received. So far it seems like people prefer the cubic curve over the quadratic curve, and faster speeds. Lastly, I have been working on my portion of the slides for the final presentation.
I think that I am on schedule and have replacement motors in case anything bad happens. This week I plan to implement the feedback from the user study and begin the work for the poster.