Team Status Report for 4/16

This week we had an unfortunate incident where the battery overheated and fried our vertical motor. We had to rush order a new one, and we’re planning to cope with this to get it set up as best as we can in time for our user study in the second half of this week. If something goes wrong with getting the replacement, our contingency plan is to just default to the horizontal motor and try to set up our apparatus in such a way that the projector is in line with an average user’s height.
We aren’t going to be making any large changes to the system at this point, we’ve just been coming up with ways to make our program more robust (ex. averaging the user’s angle during the pairing process to soften if we get one bad reading, etc.). Again, we are planning as a team to get some people to test our system as a user study, as soon as we can (hopefully) get the new vertical motor set up.
We’ve got the full setup on the tripod, and just need to find a way to attach our various circuits (lidar, arduino) onto the tripod to make it more portable. The lidar circuit is also now built and confirmed that it works properly in communication with the arduino.

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