The past week, we have successfully integrated the entire pipeline together. This means the system can convert the movement of a user’s head into the movement of a motor. The next step is to add the projector onto the motor and conduct a user study to determine how we can tune our system to provide the best user experience. This will involve gathering 10 people and asking them a range of questions after testing out our system. This will be are biggest tackle for the rest of the month. It is essential our system has a positive user satisfaction by the end of this project. We will be taking our peer’s advice very seriously and altering our implementation as needed. We have also created a Trello board to organize all of our tasks for the rest of the semester, since from now on we’ll be working closely with the full system implementation and need to maintain good communication between the team.
The main risk is that we may not be able to meet all of the usability requests from our participants. If this happens, we will triage the ones that we consider to make the largest impact.
Additional changes were made to the calibration program, with the state machine being redrawn and a lot of the code being rewritten to cope with the data flow. We’re now building the system and refining it with preliminary user tests bit by bit, and making refinement notes, to adapt to these changes.