There have been a lot of updates in the past week. We have an initial gaze estimation program set up that has the capability of sending head pose data over to an Arduino. The Arduino then runs an initial program to calibrate and translate this head pose data into proper motor movements. Currently, we are focusing on moving the projection horizontally. Once this is working, we will add and integrate the other directions.
We are still working on integrating the Arduino to the motor. We have been testing various speeds of the motor. One of our main goals is to ensure the movement of the projector is smooth and provides an enjoyable user experience. We are aiming for the motor speed to move in a parabolic fashion so the movement of the project from point A to point B is not jerky.
We aim to have our initial prototype complete by Sunday, March 27th. Following this, we will gather roughly 5 individuals to test out our system and provide feedback. We will then edit our project based on this feedback and repeat the process. A large part of our projection involves our design in order to create the smoothest, most satisfactory experience for our users. We also ordered a LiDAR and camera this week.