This week, I spent time researching the best way to implement a gaze estimation algorithm. I decided it would be best to get the projection to move with the rotation of the head first. Once that is working, I will then add on eye tracking to make the system more accurate. I thought other ideas we could potentially implement as add-ons (moving a mouse with your eyes, system to aid focus, etc.) if we have time but decided to let those go and focus on the efficiency/calibration of the system after talking with Professor Kim. I also began working with MediaPipe (the system that recognizes facial landmarks) which is exciting. Additionally, I have been working on the Design Review and preparing for the presentation since I am giving it. For next week, I plan to use MediaPipe to track my own face and begin to write the calculations that detect the rotation of a head. I feel a bit behind with the CV implementation as I have been spending more time on the Design Presentation; I expect to get back on track by the end of this week though.