What did you personally accomplish this week on the project?
Worked on integrating all parts of the parking management software system;
Worked on revising the navigation system as per advised by Professor Kim; Not finished but making progress;
Worked on finding the source of some communication issues and potential racing conditions;
Also worked on helping XuKe with his OpenCV part to speed up his progress.
Is your progress on schedule or behind?
My progress is behind due to
- Still blocked on XuKe’s OpenCV plate visual recognition development. There is a very high rate of inaccuracy, which will hinder the success and function of our system; same as last week, still NOT resolved 🙁 , also causing extra work load as we revised plan to put graphics processing on AWS servers, and I am the only person familiar with AWS systems.
- I am facing some issues and bugs here and there. I am working to solve them.
What deliverables do you hope to complete in the next week?
Planning to get revised navigation system fully functional and fully tested.
Planning to work with XuKe on migrating the Graphic Recognition Pipeline to AWS servers.