For this week I worked on the table that will display cryptocurrency information from the past 24 hours. In addition, the website will now refresh every minute to ensure the current prices are up to date. I tried deploying the website using the Amazon EC2 instance. The instance was setup successfully but I need the final GitHub repository link to deploy the app, which is not yet available because we are working on separate branches individually and haven’t merged into the master branch yet. In terms of schedule, I’m a little behind on the integration between FPGA and the web app. I still need to move the code for the web app from my local computer to the RPi and test the data transmission from the FPGA to the web app. Since we are prioritizing getting connected to the mining pool first, the work for the web app is pushed back a bit. In the meantime, I was working on the SPI send byte function that will take in a byte and turn it into bit format to transmit through GPIO pins. I was also helping to get the historical data for the cryptocurrency and converting it into a format that will be easier to use for the decision tree that we implemented. For next week, I would like to have the FPGA send dummy data and have the web app display on the website to make sure I have the communication method set for these two components. I will also help with other components that we need to finish before the interim demo.