I was able to get into the lab and work on flashing code onto our ESP8266 board! I ordered some micro USB cables and picked them up on Thursday to make sure we were no longer stopped because of the lack of these in the lab. Initially, I worked on having Arduino code running. I have the ultrasonic sensor returning distance measurements pretty accurately, using some simple sample code. I started the next step of adding wifi capabilities, which was connecting our module to the school wifi. Because I would not be able to register it on CMU-Secure, I connected it to CMU-Device. To do this, I ran an Arduino script that outputted the MAC address of the device in the serial monitor and registered this on the CMU-Device website. With this much working, I was content with moving forward with MicroPython. On VSCode, I downloaded the PyMakr extension and was able to have it recognize the ESP8266 connection to my computer! I have been experiencing some errors with “safe booting” the board when trying to flash MicroPython code onto it, but I think I have found some posts on the internet to help me fix this problem! Hoping to have our ultrasonic sensor uploading data to our database before we get back into the lab on Monday. Once I set up a couple more sets of sensor and board, I believe our hardware will definitely be ready to go for the interim demo!