Kanvi’s Status Report for 2/26

With online presentations this week, lab time was cut short. My original plan to connect all our ordered hardware and flash a basic program onto them was not fulfilled. Instead, I was able to research and draft up a program to flash as soon as I get into the lab. I found examples of simple HTTP client/server code (http://www.nodemcu.com/index_en.html#fr_5475f7667976d8501100000f) and the firmware (https://github.com/nodemcu/nodemcu-firmware) we will have to work with in order to develop with the ESP8266 and NodeMCU platform. The NodeMCU documentation (https://nodemcu.readthedocs.io/en/release/getting-started/) helped me get started with downloading the correct flasher for my system and building an environment for programming. Now my computer should be set to program the dev board as soon as we get into the lab. I will put together the system with Minu on Monday and plan to have a debugged program flashed by the end of Wednesday!

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