Ronald’s Status Report for Feb 12, 2022

This week I started with some research into python sockets and sharing images through sockets. I have also done some of the initial programming of the sockets software.

I am still on schedule as I have another allotted 2 weeks for finishing the server code although the last week there are some other aspects of the project I also need to work on.

In the next week I hope to have the server code close to being finished  so that we can try testing sending normal images using it and maybe for the following week have it done and ready to send vectors

Lisa’s Status Report for Feb 12, 2022

For this week, my team and I mostly worked on the Proposal Presentation.

For the presentation, I worked on creating visuals, such as one that illustrated how our application worked, and another that served as a block diagram that demonstrated both the different technical components of our project and the associated latencies. I also did research on the different use case requirements for the computer vision portion of our project, and thought of different technical challenges that we could encounter. I also created the Gantt chart in our presentation and set up the project website.

I also started working on writing a line detection program in Python using OpenCV. Next week, I hope to complete a basic functioning line detection program, and perhaps get started on detection lines that are not as straight (since our project will be dealing with hand drawn lines).