Ronald’s Status Report for April 30, 2022

This week I began the work of integrating the server code that I had with everyone else’s code and making sure that there were no errors. The server code is a crucial component of our project and it is prone to generating hard to find errors as it uses python try-except statements which make debugging errors difficult as when there are errors in a try-except they are ignored so if something is going wrong inside of them the program keeps running without saying what happened.

I think we are on task to finish by demo day.

Next week I will be working on finalizing some svg parser and data collection for the board.

Ronald’s Status Report for April 23, 2022

This week I was able to fix up some small items within the application like when a user mistypes the access code the program will give them an error message instead of just crashing. The send button only appears if there is a vector on the whiteboard and the receive button only appears if you have vectors in your inbox. I also worked on updating the inbox by having it show all of the vectors received and allowing you to select which one you want to add to your whiteboard instead of having it be a first in first out system.

Our team is on schedule to have this completed by may 5th as we just need to do some final integration of all the code that the 3 of us have been working on separately.

Next week I hope to begin on the integration and be able to have a fully integrated project that can do everything as for my version right now I can’t really modify the vectors.

Team Status Report for April 16, 2022

The most significant risks are not being able to get the SVG parser completed in time since that’s going to be an important part of the project as we need to be able to translate and resize the parts on the screen. We’re working on that and are going to have two people working on that to make sure that we can get it done but we need to be able to get obtain the piece of paper from the picture first before it works.

We had a change that there was no longer a need to add a feature that allows users to specify which other users they’re sending the image to instead of just sending it to everyone at once. We decided to cut it since there was no elegant way to implement it with our current implementation of everything else. This wasn’t a very important part of our project though as it wasn’t even on the design report.

We are really close to being able to obtain the piece of paper from the image and from there we should be able to get the SVG parser working.

Ronald’s Status Report for April 16, 2022

This week I attempted working on having the interface allow for users to send vectors to specific people in the room instead of always sending the vector to everyone and having it so that when you receive a vector you can see what it is first before accepting it. We decided against being able to send to specific users as there was no elegant way of implementing it other than having the user type out the names of everyone he did want to send it to but that was too prone to user error.

I think that we are still on schedule.

Next week i hope to clean up the interface and make it easier for a first time user to be able to use as right now if any step of the process is done wrong the application will just crash, i.e. if you type in the wrong access code and hit join it won’t say wrong access code the app will just crash. And other things similar to that.

Ronald’s Status Report for April 9, 2022

This week I was able to complete having users send actual vectors to each other and having them be displayed on each other’s screens when they arrive. I thought this would be a simple task but there were a lot of issues with encoding the messages correctly so that the server could handle sending them and there were also issues with file size so I had to compress the vectors as well before sending them.

Our schedule had to be changed slightly but I think that we are all still on track to complete this on time.

This week I hope to add a function that allows users to send the vectors to only certain users instead of always sending it to everyone. And also I hope to add a function where the user can see the image that they receive before they put it onto their whiteboard as currently the once received the vector gets placed onto the whiteboard immediately.


Ronald’s Status Report for April 2, 2022

This week I have begun integrating the current GUI code that we have for the project with the server code that I had previously created. This might prove to be a harder task than imagined since it requires a significant amount of alteration to the current code.

I don’t think that we are behind schedule but we’ll have to wait and see for next week if I can get this done in time though I think I should be able to.

As stated next week I hope to have a working multi-user application that can send images to one another.

Team Status Report for Mar 26, 2022

Currently the biggest risk that I see facing the project is an issue where I think that there’s a possibility of the client-side server code not being able to handle a user receiving a diagram from another user until they perform an action as they are stuck in a loop in the code and they can’t leave it until they perform said action. This isn’t a risk yet as the code for the server and the code for the GUI hasn’t been combined yet but currently the best solution that I can see for this is having it such that only one user can send and modify images and the other users can’t as anything else would require quite the large shift of the current plan.

We haven’t really spoken about the use of a back button in our design but after some initial frustration with the current GUI layout we are going to add one. The current method of testing requires us to run the code and go to the desired app page and if we want to go backwards we need to close out of the window and relaunch it.

There have been no changes for the schedule of the project this week as everything is going smoothly.

We have added some additional layouts to the GUI and can even display what the computer camera can see.

Ronald’s Status Report for March 26, 2022

Personally this week I created two screens for the GUI for the application although I’ve been having some issues with centering the items on the page. One of the pages is for the person creating the room to go to where they get given a random entry number and the other is for the people not creating the room to go to where they must input a number.

Our progress is still on schedule I believe as we still have plenty of time to finish working on the frontend.

This week I will be attempting to integrate the application GUI code with the backend server code to create the option for multiple users to communicate with each other. I will also add a back button as moving through the pages can be annoying.

Ronald’s Status Report for Mar 19, 2022

This week I spent working partly on the ethics assignment and partly reading the documentation for PyGUI and helping Lisa in the creation of a super basic frontend for the application. An image of what it currently looks like will be linked.

Our progress is currently still on schedule we have until the 9th of April to finish all of the GUI stuff and I believe that that should be enough time to get all of that done.

This week I hope to multiple working pages for the GUI instead of just the home page that doesn’t actually link to anything else.

Ronald’s Status Report for Feb 26, 2022

This week I haven’t done much of the writing I’ve been looking into PyGUI and trying to learn how it works so that in the following weeks I can help Lisa out in writing the GUI code for the program.

As of this moment we are still on schedule but the coming weeks will be much better for gauging how on schedule we are as right now it is just the beginnings of the next steps of the project.

Next week I would like to have a shell of what the GUI will look like, maybe it won’t be super interact-able but it’ll have the right looks or vice versa.