Lisa’s Status Report for Feb 26, 2022

This week I mainly focused on the design presentation. I was the presenter for the design review presentation, so I also spent a few hours preparing and practicing for the presentation on Wednesday. For the presentation slide deck, I mainly worked on the image filtering portions (like OpenCV and line detection), modified the Gantt chart, and added helpful visuals as well. While preparing for the presentation, I spoke with both Denise and Ronald on the aspects of the project that they were more familiar with (like the image vectorizing and the sockets software)

For the actual implementation of the project, I looked into alternate approaches for line detection in the image filtering/vectorizing aspect (as opposed to relying on the hough detection algorithms in OpenCV, which weren’t as reliable) of our project and discussed them with Denise. I also looked into PyGui so that Ronald and I can start working on developing the user interface starting next week. We also intend to get a basic framework up by the end of next week for the user interface. So far, we are on schedule.

Team Status Report for Feb 12, 2022

During the past week, our team mainly focused on finalizing our project design and proposal presentation. We also considered some technical challenges that we could come across while working on the project.

One main significant risk that could be posed is if the server code takes too long sending images or vectorized files, since we are unsure of how long it would take to transfer all of the data in those files from client to server to four other clients. One way to manage this risk is to make sure we have to wait until the server code is working and then test it.

Another challenge will be ensuring that we are able to accurately recreate the hand drawn image as a vectorized one. We will need to research computer vision algorithms that can recognize lines that are not perfectly straight as lines. This is something that we intend to do in the coming week.

The main thing we accomplished this week was the proposal presentation on Monday, which went very well. No changes have been made to the existing design of the system that was presented on Monday, and we are on schedule so far to complete the deliverables as laid out in the Gantt chart in the coming weeks.

Lisa’s Status Report for Feb 12, 2022

For this week, my team and I mostly worked on the Proposal Presentation.

For the presentation, I worked on creating visuals, such as one that illustrated how our application worked, and another that served as a block diagram that demonstrated both the different technical components of our project and the associated latencies. I also did research on the different use case requirements for the computer vision portion of our project, and thought of different technical challenges that we could encounter. I also created the Gantt chart in our presentation and set up the project website.

I also started working on writing a line detection program in Python using OpenCV. Next week, I hope to complete a basic functioning line detection program, and perhaps get started on detection lines that are not as straight (since our project will be dealing with hand drawn lines).