The most significant risks are not being able to get the SVG parser completed in time since that’s going to be an important part of the project as we need to be able to translate and resize the parts on the screen. We’re working on that and are going to have two people working on that to make sure that we can get it done but we need to be able to get obtain the piece of paper from the picture first before it works.
We had a change that there was no longer a need to add a feature that allows users to specify which other users they’re sending the image to instead of just sending it to everyone at once. We decided to cut it since there was no elegant way to implement it with our current implementation of everything else. This wasn’t a very important part of our project though as it wasn’t even on the design report.
We are really close to being able to obtain the piece of paper from the image and from there we should be able to get the SVG parser working.