Currently the biggest risk that I see facing the project is an issue where I think that there’s a possibility of the client-side server code not being able to handle a user receiving a diagram from another user until they perform an action as they are stuck in a loop in the code and they can’t leave it until they perform said action. This isn’t a risk yet as the code for the server and the code for the GUI hasn’t been combined yet but currently the best solution that I can see for this is having it such that only one user can send and modify images and the other users can’t as anything else would require quite the large shift of the current plan.
We haven’t really spoken about the use of a back button in our design but after some initial frustration with the current GUI layout we are going to add one. The current method of testing requires us to run the code and go to the desired app page and if we want to go backwards we need to close out of the window and relaunch it.
There have been no changes for the schedule of the project this week as everything is going smoothly.
We have added some additional layouts to the GUI and can even display what the computer camera can see.