This week a lot of the work done by the team was spent on getting the Design Proposal presentation. Sizable progress was then made on the sockets server for sending the code to various users.
The biggest risk that jeopardizes our project is currently converting the image to uniform lines and polygons within our latency requirement. Currently there are many lines generated by our CV software but in order to improve the usability of our project we need to reduce the lines such that we only have a single line for each connected component that the user drew. This would also make rendering more efficient since the software will not need to process as many lines. We are taking look into using temporal information ie having the user draw a line/polygon 1 by 1 and then hold it up to the camera after each line. We are also looking for algorithms that can simplify the number of points within lines. One backup plan is to take the image as a PNG and convert it to a SVG using potrace or a similar python library.
As of now there have been no changes to the current design of the system. The current schedule has been updated to look like this so that we can slot in some time for leniency.
Ronald got the server working and was able to test sending an image to Denise which works so in the coming week he is going to run more tests to see how long it takes for many different vectors to send and ensure that we are reaching our latency goal for the server.
This is why one of the risks is the server being slower than we would like because we will have to find some other way to send the svg files and not much research has been done into that.