This week I took a look at several algorithms to reduce the amount of points within a line such as the Douglas–Peucker algorithm, and the Visvalingam–Whyatt algorithm. The Douglas-Peuker algorithm has a faster runtime however the Visvalingam–Whyatt algorithm is more straightforward in terms of complexity, making it a viable back up. I also researched ways to convert an SVG file to an array of points and back such that the user can send their diagrams as SVG files to display to connected peers, but also be able to modify the primitives on their end which would be easier as an array of points.
I also worked on the use case, use case requirements, solution approach on the slides and mocked up the GUI using Figma. Currently we are on schedule. Next week I will be working with Lisa to finalize our vectorization approach and start writing code to convert files into SVGs. We will also be taking a look into how we can compare frames to subtract the lines drawn in previous frames using a temporal approach.