An overview of what we did:
- Allen was working on the RPI (i.e. integrating background subtraction code and trying to integrate with the web application)
- Lucky has been turning his code into essentially a library for Allen to use (i.e. takes care of integration between the web application and the object detection)
- Lucky set up our shelf and is the process of testing items with his webcam and code
In terms of what we will do this upcoming week, we hope to do the following:
- Set up the demo shelf parameters
- Live testing of subcomponents
- Finalize integration and interconnectivity
- Complete poster
- Start outlining how the video will be
The most significant risks that we know of thus far are:
- Integrating RPI with web application
- Connecting these two subsystems has been quite difficult thus far and for now, we have been simply trying to use HTTP post requests to keep things as simple as possible.
- Latency i.e. meeting user requirements
- After implementing the sliding window technique, we realized the algorithm could potentially take longer than intended, and may face difficulty in meeting the latency standards we set during the abstract and proposal time
- Communication and storage in the integrated system
Changes To our schedule
- We don’t’ have any significant changes to our schedule
- If things continue to trend as planned we should be okay with some leeway for troubleshooting