- Performed our interim demo and demonstrated our individual subsystems as well as our updated schedule. Feedback was received and we are in the process of implementing the feedback in addition to the features we still have to do
- Improved upon the web application (i.e. added more views, designed more of the UI, and implemented more functionality). The web application is nearly complete (roughly 90% done)
- Set up the raspberry pi and camera system and familiarized myself with the tools and interface.
- Researched background subtraction algorithms to integrate with the raspberry pi
- Played around with using scripts to SSH into the raspberry pi, run commands, and return the result onto our local computer. This is essentially part of integration from the web application to the rpi/camera system.
I believe that quite a bit was done this week but we are a bit behind (because I would like to be done a week before our final demo to polish up anything). I think we can be in the thick of integration/testing by the end of this week and will reach out to the professors next Monday if things look too behind.
During this upcoming week, I plan to do the following:
- Continue integration with the web application and wireless transfer system.
- Research integration with the wireless transfer system and the object detection algorithm (Lucky’s computer)
- Finish the web application and hosting it on the cloud
- Figuring out how to set up our system and shelf/items
- i.e. will probably need to buy/find/make a shelf
- Assisting Lucky and Takshsheel with anything that they need