This week I did the following tasks:
- Completed a testable phase 2 object detection subsystem
- Ran Tests with SIFT
- Lowe’s Ratio Test (all else held constant)
- I tweaked the lowe’s ratio by increments of 5% from 0% to 100%
- Match Threshold Test (all else held constant)
- I tweaked the threshold value by increments of 10 from 0 to 200
- Combination Test (tweaked Lowe’s Ratio and the match threshold to look for the best accuracy parameters)
- Lowe’s Ratio Test (all else held constant)
In terms of schedule, I had to miss the meeting in person on Wednesday of this week, but I worked as soon as I could that day to make up for the missed time. In addition, I was able to get more progress on object detection and did some tests.
What Next
- Prepare to present for the initial interim demo
- Detection selection Process
- Compared the detectors with one another and selected the detector with the best combination scores that also fell within the user latency requirements
- Phase 3 object detection
- Integrate my subcomponent with the other’s and the camera module